"Doc" the Boxer

And you thought Boxers were dof! Hahaha! No really, I can be quite determined when it suits me

My real name is actually Piper. Nick name: Hyper-Piper. I’m not sure why… When people call me Doc I have this terrible habit of checking out my derriere. This is an unfortunate consequence of having my tail docked when I was just wee-small. Now I am terribly insecure about my rear and am very sensitive when my mother tries to examine it. It’s a dog’s life I tell you!

Anyway, I’m a Blou Bulle fan, so no guessing where I grew up – P P P Pretoria! Home to Onderstepoort, where I qualified as a vet. I gained experience at some of the best practices, and was taught by some of the best vets and specialists in the industry.

I’ve always thought of myself as an academic… until I did my MBA and found out that referencing every second sentence is not all it’s cracked up to be.

Two years after qualifying as a vet my mom removed a mast cell tumour from me. She put me on a course of chemo just in case. I remember she thought I wouldn’t last the year. But here I am 3 years later and still feel like a spring chicken! Apart from a bit of arthritis.

I know my mom loves me when she lets me sneak onto the couch in Winter. Who says a 30kg Boxer can’t be a lapdog! She also puts up with all my slobbering and snoring. She is always commenting on how classy I am. I know love is blind, but seriously?!

So I am the one to ask questions concerning any health issues or any vet questions for that matter. Welcome to the family!

Now can somebody call a vet…
Cos these puppies are sick